Testing & Inspection

EICR - (Also covers Landlord Certificates and formally called a Periodic Inspection Report)

sgs electrical services testing and inspectionAn Electrical Installation Condition Report is a periodic test on an existing electrical installation. It is an in-depth test and inspection that outlines the condition of the electrical wiring system in place within a domestic or commercial property and states any recommendation to improve the safety of the installation. It is recommended and in most cases required by insurance companies that this is carried out every 5 years for domestic properties and 10 years for commercial properties but this is altered depending on the existing condition. Landlords have a legal duty to ensure that their rental properties electrical wiring system and electrical equipment are safe before tenancy begins and continues throughout the tenant's duration.

Visual Condition Report -

A visual inspection report contains no testing of the circuits within a property but gives a good indication of the general condition by carrying out a visual check list of the installation with further recommendations if required.

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)

As an employer, landlord or letting agent, you have a legal duty of care to comply with the necessary Electricity at Work Regulations. These regulations state that you are responsible by law, for the prevention of any harm coming to employees, tenants or customers when using electrical equipment provided by you or your organization. All items that have mains voltage plugs attached should be tested, labelled and certified annually to conclude safe for use including general items such as computers, lamps, printers, fridges, Hoovers, toasters and kettles etc.

Emergency Lighting Periodic -

Emergency Lighting installations should be checked in compliance with the requirements of BS5266: Part 1 – Emergency Lighting of Premises. The Electricity at Work Regulation 1989 (EWR) impose duties upon the employer to prevent, so far as reasonably practicable, such dangers, so a good maintained emergency light system may full under this responsibility within your premises. If you have no emergency light system or maintenance in place we would carry out a full inspection and make recommendations (if any) to bring the installation up to the requirements and offer a planned routine maintenance with the following checks:

Monthly check – 3 Minute duration test

Six month check – 1 Hour duration test

Annually check – 3 Hour duration test

Electrical Installation Certificate -

The Electrical Installation Certificate is issued when any additional circuits are installed whether within a new build or an existing property and is used to certify that the design, construction and testing of the electrical installation complies with BS 7671 2008: Amendment No. 1: 2011.

Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificate -

The Minor Works Certificate is issued to clarify the safety of any alterations to existing within a property to comply with 7671 2008: Amendment No. 1: 2011.

Fire Alarm Systems Certification -

As an employer, landlord or letting agent, you have a legal duty of care to comply with the necessary testing and maintenance of fire alarm systems in accordance with BS 5839 pt 1 2002, so we offer a full testing and inspection of the system or planned system and then are able to arrange a planned routine maintenance package.